Live music in a firehouse presents:

Live music in a firehouse

For the conclusion of our Spring Fund Drive, WRIR and Commonwealth of Notions’ Shannon Cleary present two nights of local music in historic Richmond venues.  The weekend of May 7 and 8 features performances at The Firehouse Theatre and Gallery 5 with four bands each night. Shows are priced at $5 each, or both for $8. (Details at door Saturday night.)

Orioles Live

Saturday, May 7 at Firehouse, WRIR presents a night of acoustic music with Nick Coward and the Last Battle, Ophelia, Josh Small, and Orioles take the stage beginning at 8PM (doors open at 7). Saturday's show may be the final show for Orioles so be prepared for some special guests to join the band. 

Sunday, May 8 at Gallery 5 brings a more electric show with The Veins, Sports Bar, The Trillions, and Amazing Ghost (with special guests) headlining.  This will be an early starting at 6PM (doors open at 5). .


The Firehouse Theatre Project
1609 W Broad Street
Richmond, VA 23220 (map)

200 W Marshall St
Richmond, VA (map)

WRIR would like to thank The Firehouse Theatre and Gallery 5 for their support in hosting these programs.  Founded in 1993, The Firehouse Theatre Project produces contemporary theater of the United States in an authentic urban space – the 101-year-old former Station House #10 of the Richmond Fire Department.  Gallery5 is a community oriented, socially motivated art gallery and performing art center in Richmond’s Historic Jackson Ward. The gallery opened its doors on April 15, 2005 in an effort to save the life of a National Historic Landmark known as Steamer Company No. 5. Built in 1849, Steamer Company No. 5, is Virginia’s oldest firehouse and Richmond’s oldest police station and jailhouse. 

WRIR would also like to thank Matt Klimas and Triple Stamp Press for their exciting work on the poster and promotional materials for these concerts.

Jack McHale


Playlist temporarily unavailable.

    April 27th, 2011

Posted In: Events