Alright! Last few weeks, I've slacked a bit. I'm not gonna lie. Tonight, I am not slacking. I have all new stuff that has never been played before on Mother's Milk. I put the effort in this week – hopefully, you'll taste that effort along with your libation-of-choice as you listen along at home. This is the last show of the month, so it's also time for our monthly episode of Rum Doings, Mother's Milk's favorite UK-based podcast.
UPDATE: Okay, that was fantastic. It felt GOOD. If you want to hear the ep of Rum Doings that we aired for the end of the show, click here to download it. It was tons of fun. I especially liked the bit about words on t-shirts. If you'd like to hear the music portion of the show, you can click here to download THAT from Radio4All. You should totally listen to both of 'em because it was stellar. As always, the Facebook page for Mother's Milk is located here, and I'd love it if you decided to like it, if you do that whole Facebook thing.
Song | Artist | Album | Label | Year |
2011 |
Playlist temporarily unavailable.
August 29th, 2011
Posted In: Music Shows