Salad Days 02-17-12 presents:

Salad DaysSalad Days 02-17-12

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minor threat/salad days/dischord

vikings/it's cool to rock/sfri

hives/a get together to tear it apart/burning heart

accelerators/got kicked in the front of my head/stardumb

shirks/cry cry cry/grave mistake



alkaline trio/this addiction/heart & skull

delay/whomever/shout out loud

failures' union/you've been replaced/sheets of tens


pinkerton thugs/the times/go-kart

campaign/old blues/sr

vacation bible school/can i take your new world order/underground communique

troggs/night of the long grass/fontana

sex church/bleed me/permanent


nightlights/truffle shuffle/eulogy

ducky boys/medicine/state line


damned/new rose/stiff

family lumber/everything you wanted to say/sr


candy hearts/lighter than the air/kind of like

f*cked up/dangerous fumes/deranged youth

none more black/backpedal/fat wreck chords

eddie & the hotrods/teenage depression/island

amateur thieves/going places/sr

bomb the music industry!/vocal coach/really

x/we're desperate/dangerhouse

timeshares/too many elo days/kiss of death

velvet underground/sweet jane/cotillion


no motiv/beginning from the end/black numbers

generation x/ready steady go/chrysalis

riverboat gamblers/true crime/volcom

thee machine gun elephant/west cabaret drive/triad


big boys/fun fun fun/moment

alice cooper/return of the spiders/straight

boys/the first time/nems


brutal knights/take breaks/deranged



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    February 17th, 2012

Posted In: Music Shows