SIFTER for the Ear presents:

Terry Rea was the first manager of Richmond’s iconic repertory cinema, The Biograph from 1972 to 1987, bringing all manner of foreign and art film to its Grace St location near VCU (see foto below of the location). Terry joins me to reminisce about:
– Developing the concept of repertory shows
– Creating the iconic calendars
– Launching midnight movies, including The Rocky Horror craze
– Showing Deep Throat and other X rated films
– Fighting the state on censorship
– Famous people who visited including Tom Wolfe, Martin Sheen & Elizabeth Taylor
– Finding a dead man in the theater

My Rocky Horror video story for CBS6

Interview with Tyler Trumbo (Phil’s nephew)

My first review in the Richmond Times-Dispatch (below)



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    SIFTER for the Ear    October 13th, 2023

Posted In: Local, News