SIFTER for the Ear presents:

Crissy Offutt worked in Richmond’s production community before heading out to LA, where she was involved with lots of shows and people. Most notably, she was an enjoyable side character in Denise Richards’ reality show. She’s got lots of dish (and a few expletives), including:
– An office encounter with Rob Reiner
– Buying guitars for the Naked Brothers Band
– Hanging with Matt Bomer at her dog’s birthday party
– Adopting Denise Richards’ pigs for It’s Complicated
Gene Simmons crawling over Denise to meet Crissy
– Attending a Super Bowl party at the Playboy Mansion
– Being in Celebrity Fit Club and Housewives of the CIA
Smoking with Jennifer Anniston, Katherine Keener and Drew Barrymore
– Brad Pitt’s grandmother vs Christine’s grandmother
– Her puppeteer husband on Friends
Keeping her olives from Kelsey Grammer




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    SIFTER for the Ear    February 23rd, 2024

Posted In: Local, News