SIFTER for the Ear presents:

Yossera Bouchtia is a Moroccan-American filmmaker who teaches at VCU. Three of her shorts will be screened at this year’s James River Film Festival on Sunday, April 14 at the VMFA. This is the 30th year of the Festival, which features foreign, indie and experimental films. It runs at various venues all over town from April 11-14 and finishes up on the 20th. We’ll discuss:
– How she got to the US and why she stayed
– Shooting Afri, The Coming Night in an old Club Med in Morocco
– Creating an otherworldly planet
– The autobiographical elements in I Am Selma
How the film’s surprise ending came about
– Discovering the unappreciated woman scientist for Into The Void
– Finding the ideal 50s home for the shoot

James River Film Festival (April 11 – 20)
Yossera’s website

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    SIFTER for the Ear    April 12th, 2024

Posted In: Local, News