Brain Box presents:

Jupiter’s moon Europa was captured by the JunoCam instrument aboard NASA’s Juno spacecraft during the mission’s close flyby on Sept. 29, 2022. The images show the fractures, ridges, and bands that crisscross the moon’s surface.

Image: Europa, one of Jupiter’s icy moons (source: NASA)

Science Museum of Virginia astronomer Justin Bartel is back in WRIR studios with the news on some of the current and upcoming space travel. Tune in to learn about the European Space Agency’s JUICE spacecraft and the first-ever maneuver it accomplished in August, NASA’s upcoming exploration of Jupiter’s icy moons, the latest research of binary asteroid systems, and an upcoming mission to Mars.

To learn more:

JUICE’s double-gravity assist

NASA’s Europa Clipper

ESA’s Hera probe

NASA’s Escapade mission

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    Brain Box    September 9th, 2024

Posted In: Local, News