The Rainbow Minute presents:

The Rainbow MinuteThe Rainbow Minute

Friday, March 2 – "Republican Maureen Walsh Speaks Out" – Autumn Reinhardt Simpson

On February 8, 2012, Representative Maureen Walsh, a Walla Walla, Washington Republican, broke ranks with her party and gave a heartfelt speech in favor of same-sex marriage in Washington State. It prompted a flood of positive calls and emails after her speech went viral on YouTube.
During the debate, Representative Walsh shared how she wished all couples were able to share the same kind of bond she shared with her late husband.  She also stated that she loved her lesbian daughter, who had come out of the closet a couple of years ago, and had recently met a woman she loved very much.
In part, Walsh said,  “And some day, by God, I wanna throw a wedding for that kid.”
Dan S


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    March 2nd, 2012

Posted In: Music Shows