WRIR presents Japanther presents:
Join WRIR listeners and volunteers at Strange Matter on Friday, March 2nd to celebrate the kick off of our 2012 Spring Fund Drive. Live music will be provided by Brooklyn power duo Japanther and more!
Head to the Facebook page here and invite you friends.
For entire lineup and other info, click on "read more."
WRIR 97.3fm Richmond Independent Radio presents JAPANTHER, on the road to SXSW. (www.japanther.com)
KEN SOUTH ROCK(melodic rock duo from Osaka, Japan and Brooklyn New York. The fruit of this over-ocean friendship is truly beautiful. http://www.kensouthrock.com/
FILTHY SAVAGE (from the S. Bronx by way of Mexico City. True Germs-esque punk rock for fans of G.G. Allen, The Dwarves and Horror films. https://www.facebook.com/pages/FILTHY-SAVAGE/104966902872366
BERMUDA TRIANGLES (RVA drum worship, toy keyboard riffage, sax and violence, junk electronics https://www.facebook.com/pages/Bermuda-Triangles/372843150125
Strange Matter
929 West Grace Street
Playlist temporarily unavailable.
February 16th, 2012
Posted In: Music Shows