Midnight Soulstice presents: Soul Boulders presents:

Midnight Soulstice presents: Soul Boulders

When we first heard this recent mix by Matthew Africa (Oakland) and DJ b.Cause (San Francisco) titled "Soul Boulders" (the second one of that kind), we were completely blown away. It doesn't happen very often that you get to hear two serious diggers to compile an almost perfect selection of slow, funky Soul burners, skillfully mixed and sequenzed. The guys are quite secretive about their selections, which is why we are not posting the titles tonight. Midnight Soulstice co-host DJ Pari will open and close the show with his own picks of mid-tempo Soul grooves, making this two-hour broadcast a definite keeper.

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Song Artist Album Label Year
Mr. Felty and DJ Pari


Playlist temporarily unavailable.

    January 27th, 2012

Posted In: Music Shows