The Church of the Ecstatic

The Horsehead Nebula: Filaments Around a Black Hole



Tonight, on The Horsehead Nebula: Videogame and movie soundtracks are paired with heavy metal, and Dick Fred learns more about the Christmas party incident.

Photo Credit

Artist Song Album Record Label Year/Comments
Kenji Yamamoto Phendrana Drifts Ambience Metroid Prime
Inter Arma The Long Road Home (The Iron Gate) Sky Burial
Kenji Yamamoto Phendrana Drifts Theme Metroid Prime
Inter Arma The Long Road Home Sky Burial
Kow Otani Prologue ~To The Ancient Land~ Shadow of The Colossus: Roar of The Earth
Obsequiae Ay Que Por Muy Gran Fremosura Aria of Vernal Tombs
Kow Otani Sky Burial Shadow of The Colossus: Roar of The Earth
Obsequiae Des Oge Mais Quer Eu Trobar Aria of Vernal Tombs
Kow Otani Epilogue ~Those Who Remain~ Shadow of The Colossus: Roar of The Earth
Wolves In The Throne Room Permanent Changes In Consiousness Celestial Lineage
Obsequiae Orphic Rites of The Mystic Aria of Vernal Tombs
Basil Palidouris Anvil of Crom Conan The Barbarian
Conan Gravity Chasm Blood Eagle
Basil Palidouris Theology/Civilization Conan The Barbarian
Khemmis Above The Water Hunted
Basil Palidouris Orphans of Doom/The Awakening Conan The Barbarian
Pallbearer Foreigner Sorrow And Extinction

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