WRIR Documents
If you are a current WRIR volunteer, you will find the links to station handbooks and FCC quizzes here.
Wonder what are the station’s FCC guidelines?
Can you burn a CD from the station’s library?
How do you conduct a contest on-air?
Why should you post a playlist?
The answers to these questions and many more are found in WRIR’s Handbooks. If you are a current volunteer, or considering volunteering, you should know the policies and procedures.
A must-read for all WRIR volunteers includes explanation of WRIR’s policies
2) WRIR’s FCC HANDBOOK (requires Google sign in)
Another must-read for all volunteer Board Ops, DJs, Talk Show Hosts, Production Team or anyone else who is going to be on the air. After you read the handbook take the Test, you must pass before you go on the air.
3) DJ Manual
Important information on procedures for being a DJ including the “Dump” button
4) Policies for On-Air Contests, Underwriting, PSAs and Promos
Helpful information on the differences between WRIR’s paid underwriting and public service announcements.
5) Weekday Board Op Manual
Reference tool for you to use after you have been trained on being a Weekday Board Op
* Bookmark this page so you can easily reference it when you are volunteering for WRIR! *