Are you a fan of WRIR’s Facebook page or follow WRIR on Twitter? Do you have ideas on how WRIR can improve its marketing communication with current media or social networking? Are you reading this page thinking, “Gosh, I could be fixing the bad spelling, tweaking the format or creating a whole new website while listening to great music and talk on my headphones?” Come to a Marketing Committee meeting to not only tell us your ideas but maybe put them into action. WRIR needs creative, savvy volunteers to help with the branding of the station.

SKILLS: (any of the following) Web site design, graphic design, drawing or painting, creating posters, writing newsletters or promo scripts, copy editing, social networking, media relations, messaging, public relations, etc.
TIME: Monthly Marketing Committee meeting (7 p.m. second Mondays) and then any time spent working on a project. Social Media members communicate mostly by email.
1) Tell us about yourself by filling out our volunteer application.
2) Meet WRIR volunteers by attending a committee meeting. Seriously, just show up and introduce yourself. This calendar has the schedule of meetings. Some are monthly. Some are every other month.
3) Listen to WRIR and follow us on social media. You’ll discover programs and opportunities to help the station. Email the Volunteer Coordinator with your questions, inquiries or suggestions at