DJ SKILLS: Ability to work a sound board and audio equipment, clear speaking voice, strong knowledge of music, especially in a particular genre, unflappable under pressure or when equipment malfunctions, basic knowledge of posting on a blog, able to follow FCC and WRIR’s rules and procedures, reliable and dependable, committed to the mission of WRIR, gets along with other volunteers.
LOCATION: WRIR’s studio, live (no pre-recorded shows are accepted)
TIME: Regular commitment to a 2 hour weekly show if chosen to do one. You can train to be a substitute DJ. You can email to inquire about openings.
TRAINING: Current DJs will train you on WRIR’s equipment and procedures; the training is usually a minimum of three sessions; you must pass the FCC test and the training to be a DJ.
1) Tell us about yourself by filling out our volunteer application.
2) Meet WRIR volunteers by attending a committee meeting. Seriously, just show up and introduce yourself. This calendar has the schedule of meetings. Some are monthly. Some are every other month.
3) Listen to WRIR and follow us on social media. You’ll discover programs and opportunities to help the station. Email the Volunteer Coordinator with your questions, inquiries or suggestions at
Promoters and Record Labels
Send your music with a one-sheet to WRIR, ATTN: Music Director, PO Box 4787, Richmond VA 23220 or email digital music to md at wrir dot org. Do not expect a reply back. If you have a specific DJ in mind, you can address the envelope or email to them. If you’re a Richmond band, address it to Local Music Director. Email your local music to activate at wrir dot org or local at wrir dot org.