The Motherland Influence presents:
We will start with a set of African music, then take off from there.
David Noyes The Motherland Influence June 25th, 2023
Posted In: Music, Music Shows
Tags: African music, Caribbean music, Latin music
The Motherland Influence presents:
African, Latin & Caribbean music.
Starting with marimba music from west coast of Colombia. Then more!
David Noyes The Motherland Influence June 11th, 2023
Posted In: Music, Music Shows
Tags: African music, Caribbean music, Latin music
The Motherland Influence presents:
African, Latin & Caribbean music.
Crank it to 11.
David Noyes The Motherland Influence May 28th, 2023
Posted In: Music, Music Shows
Tags: African music, Caribbean music, Latin music
The Motherland Influence presents:
Heavy on the African music today, also some music from the islands and from South America.
Small tributes to all mothers and also to late singer/composer João Seria of Africa Negra in the mix.
David Noyes The Motherland Influence May 14th, 2023
Posted In: Music, Music Shows
Tags: African music, Caribbean music, Latin music
The Motherland Influence presents:
We’ve got your dose of African, Latin & Caribbean music ready for you today!
Baba Commandant and the Mandingo Band will be in Richmond in May, Plena Libre is bringing down the house in NOLA and an old, rare and somewhat astonishing Sammy Massamba LP that I’ve had since the 80s has just been reissued. Of course there’s a lot more!
Your donations to WRIR make it all possible.
You can still donate so if you like what you hear, please do!
David Noyes The Motherland Influence April 30th, 2023
Posted In: Music, Music Shows
Tags: African music, Caribbean music, Latin music
The Motherland Influence presents:
African, Latin & Caribbean music.
Music today from Mali, Nigeria, Colombia, Jamaica, Cuba, Gabon and more.
David Noyes The Motherland Influence April 16th, 2023
Posted In: Music Shows
Tags: African music, Caribbean music, Latin music
The Motherland Influence presents:
David Noyes The Motherland Influence March 19th, 2023
Posted In: Music Shows
Tags: African music, Caribbean music, Latin music
The Motherland Influence presents:
African, Latin & Caribbean music.
David Noyes The Motherland Influence February 19th, 2023
Posted In: Music Shows
Tags: African music, Caribbean music, Latin music
The Motherland Influence presents:
Affair Social!
African, Latin & Caribbean music.
David Noyes The Motherland Influence February 5th, 2023
Posted In: Music Shows
Tags: African music, Caribbean music, Latin music
The Motherland Influence presents:
Let’s start with, as Fela said, “What we came into the room to do”.
On The Motherland Influence, we do explore influences of African diasporic music across cultures and across the globe.
One influential African artist was Tidiane Kone. Master of more than one instrument, this Malian musician was best known for his work with the trumpet and being able to cross borders and cultures in West Africa to work with some of the best. We’ll a tribute to him from a wonderful new album from Solomane Doumbia of Segou, Mali as well as hearing his work with such bands as Rail Band de Bamako, Mali and Orchestre T.P. Poly-Rythmo de Cotnonou, Benin.
We’ll hear cross-cultural influences with the music of Fela in Lagos, Nigeria and some of these same rhythms and instrumentation in the Caribbean and in South America.
And that’s just a start! So Let’s start!
David Noyes The Motherland Influence January 22nd, 2023
Posted In: Music Shows
Tags: African music, Caribbean music, Latin music