Metal Box presents:
Get ready for a crazy night of mischief with KRAMPUS AND THE GRINCH!!! Heavy metal, goth, industrial, hard rock, and horror movie score!!!
Yancy Lambert
Metal Box
December 22nd, 2022
Posted In: Music Shows
Tags: #wrir #localmusic, 80's heavy metal, 90's heavy metal, goth, GOTHIC LIZARD, Happy holidays, hard rock, Heavy metal, Horror movie scores, Horror movies, Industrial music, Krampus, METALBOX, The Grinch who stole Christmas
Metal Box presents:
Tonight at 11pm est on WRIR LP 97.3FM Richmond Independent Radio “METAL BOX” presents score from “THE MATRIX RESURRECTIONS”, composed by Australian electronic music Johnny Klimek, and composer and director Tom Tykwer. Plus new music from DEAD LIGHTS(UK), DURAN DURAN(UK), and FRONT LINE ASSEMBLY(CANADA). Also heavy metal Christmas music!!! Happy Horror sci-fi HOLIDAYS!!!
Yancy Lambert
Metal Box
December 23rd, 2021
Posted In: Music Shows
Tags: #wrir #localmusic, 80's horror, Billy idol, Dark electro, Darkwave, Dead lights, duran duran, Front line assembly, goth, gothiclizard, Happy holidays, Heavy metal, Industrial music, Merry Christmas, METALBOX, new wave, Sci-fi movies, The matrix resurrections