Metal Box presents:
Tonight I will be playing a lot of Horror movie scores and songs, plus 80’s metal bands!!! I will also throw in goth, punk and industrial! !! Just a night of spooky rockin’ fun!!! I HOPE YOU ENJOY!!!
Yancy Lambert Metal Box November 30th, 2018
Posted In: Music Shows
Tags: #wrir #localmusic, 80's heavy metal, 90's heavy metal, Dark electronic, goth, Goth rock, gothiclizard, Heavy metal, HORROR, Horror movie scores, Industrialmusic, METALBOX, music, Musicworld, Punk, rva local, WRIR
Metal Box presents:
Tonight I will be playing 80’s and 90’s heavy metal music tonight!!! It’s going to be a killer wicked night of old school metal!!! HELLRAISER AND THE THING score music!!! Happy holidays!!!
Yancy Lambert Metal Box November 23rd, 2018
Posted In: Music Shows
Tags: 80's heavy metal, 90's heavy metal, GOTHIC LIZARD, hard rock, Heavy metal, METAL BOX, music, Radioshow, RVA, SOUNDTRACKS, WRIR
Metal Box presents:
Tonight I will be playing score from sci-fi mini-series “V” 1983 composed by JOE HARNELL. Also showcasing industrial/gothic rock band Abbey Death(NY), industrial/noise synth group Chelsey And The Noise(CA), and brutal space death metal band Boethiah(CA)…It’s going to be a killer night of lizard aliens taking over the airwaves!!!
Yancy Lambert Metal Box November 16th, 2018
Posted In: Music Shows
Tags: Abbeydeathband, Boethiah, Brutal metal, Chelseyandthenoise, Dark music, death metal, goth, Gothic, gothiclizard, Heavy metal, Horror movie scores, industrial rock, Industrialmusic, Joeharnell, METALBOX, Monsterrock, music, Musicworld, rvamusic, Sci-fi, SOUNDTRACKS, space rock, Spacemetal, Vminiseries, WRIR
Metal Box presents:
Tonight I will be playing score from the BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN composed by Franz Waxman. Also showcasing tonight Brooklyn, NY dark folk duo CHARMING DISASTER and post-punk/darkwave duo SOCIAL STATION from Washington heavy metal, goth, punk and spooky music.
Yancy Lambert Metal Box November 2nd, 2018
Posted In: Music Shows
Tags: 1935, 80's heavy metal, 90's heavy metal, Boris korlof, Bride of Frankenstein, Charmingdisasterband, Darkwave, Franz Waxman, ghostpunk, goth, gothiclizard, Heavy metal, HORROR, Horror movie scores, METALBOX, post-punk, Socialstation, WRIR
Metal Box presents:
I’ll be playing a ton of Horror movie scores and lots of heavy metal, industrial, and goth music tonight!!!
Yancy Lambert Metal Box October 26th, 2018
Posted In: Music Shows
Tags: 80's metal, goth, GOTHIC LIZARD, halloween, Heavy metal, HORROR, Horror movie scores, INDUSTRIAL, METALBOX, Music show, Punk, spooky, WRIR, Wrir rva
Metal Box presents:
TONIGHT I will be playing a bunch of Horror movie theme scores from different movies. I will also be playing a bunch of 80’s and 90’s heavy metal music!!! Let’s get spooky together and make it a fun night!!!
Yancy Lambert Metal Box October 19th, 2018
Posted In: Music Shows
Tags: 80's heavy metal, 90's heavy metal, Classic horror, fall fund drive, GOTHIC LIZARD, Halloween movie, Heavy metal, Hellraiser, Horror movie scores, John carpenter, METALBOX, SOUNDTRACKS, WRIR
Metal Box presents:
Tonight I will be playing score from new horror movie “HALLOWEEN” (2018) composed by John Carpenter, Cody Carpenter and Daniel Davies. Also showcasing Chicago, IL industrial/goth electro solo artist I YA TOYAH, death metal/black metal band GRUESOME, Baltimore, MD darkwave/industrial rock band EGO LIKENESS and local RVA hard rock/heavy metal band HEWOLF. It’s going to be a killer wicked and stormy night of spooky music!!! Join me tonight for an early Halloween!!! HAHA!!!
Yancy Lambert Metal Box October 12th, 2018
Posted In: Music Shows
Tags: black metal, Cody Carpenter, Daniel Davies, Darkwave, death metal, EgoLikeness, Evil, Goth electro, GOTHIC LIZARD, Gruesome, Gruesomeband, halloween, Halloweenmovie2018, hard rock, Heavy metal, Hewolfband, HORROR, Horror score, industrial rock, Iyatoyah, John carpenter, METAL BOX, Music scores, October, RVA, rva local, Sleaze rock, SOUNDTRACKS, spooky, WRIR
Metal Box presents:
Tonight on METAL BOX, I will be playing score from action/anti-hero movie VENOM! Also showcasing metal/black metal band NECROSEXUAL(PA), Canadian black metal band IDOLATRY, dark pop duo band REMAINS TO BE SEEN(KS),and Alaskan goth/death rock duo band CLIFF AND IVY. Get ready for a killer wicked time!!! 1am to 3am eastern standard time! !!
Yancy Lambert Metal Box October 5th, 2018
Posted In: Music Shows
Tags: black metal, cliffandivey, Dark electronic, Dark pop, death rock, goth, Goth rock, GOTHIC LIZARD, Heavy metal, Idolatryband, METAL BOX, music, Music scores, Musicworld, post-punk, Punk,, SOUNDTRACKS, Thenecrosexual, Thrash Metal, WRIR
Metal Box presents:
Metal! Metal! Metal!……Tommy from Dog Germs here hosting Metal Box for you tonight (technically Friday morning) while Yancy is out sailing the seas!
I will be playing mostly classic thrash metal and some of my favorites from the local metal scene!
Also, in true Metal Box format, i will also be showcasing a film score throughout the show! And in fact, it is the film score to my favorite movie of all time…yes, all time! Cemetery Man, as it is known here in the states (the rest of the world knows this Italian classic as Dellamorte Dellamore), features an eerie gothic meets quasi-electronic film score composed by Manuel De Sica that compliments the themes and imagery of this masterpiece flawlessly!
noizhed Metal Box September 28th, 2018
Posted In: Music Shows
Tags: Cemetery Man, Dellamorte Dellamore, film score, Heavy metal, local metal, Manuel De Sica, Thrash Metal
Metal Box presents:
Tonight I am playing scores from fantasy movie LEGEND composed by Tangerine Dream and Jerry Goldsmith. Death Ship soundtrack and Showcasing dark electronic band HOT PINK SATAN(PA)and post-punk/dark pop/goth/shoegaze group AUTUMN(MN)…plus Gothic Cruise 2018 bands THE BIRTHDAY MASSACRE, DIARY OF DREAMS, iVardensphere, STONEBURNER, and THE RAIN WITHIN!!! Going to be a dark and spooky night along with still heavy metal!!!
Yancy Lambert Metal Box September 21st, 2018
Posted In: Music Shows
Tags: Autumn-us, Dark electronic, Dark music, Darkwave, Diary of dreams, goth, GOTHIC LIZARD, Heavy metal, Hot pink satan, industrial rock, IVardensphere, METALBOX, Music scores, post-punk, Scores, SOUNDTRACKS, Stoneburner, Synthwave, The birthday massacre, The rain within, Tribal electronic, WRIR
1621 W Broad St, Richmond, Virginia, VA 23220
Main: 804.622.WRIR (9747)
Studio: 804.649.9737
P.O. Box 4787, Richmond, VA 23220