Higher Consciousness presents:


Okay, we have Full and New moons coming and going, Retrograde in Gatorade with north node conjunctions of planet blah blah blah hitting us from every angle. Stay focused, keep your vibrations high, trust your gut and intuition, watch for signs and synchronicities, and surrender to the process. If you know you know.

The universe is on your side and you are loved by Source, your spirit support team, and the universe. The universe is always listening; all you have to do is ask and be grateful for what you are about to receive and or already receive.

    Higher Consciousness    September 28th, 2023

Posted In: Local, Music, Music Shows

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Higher Consciousness presents:


Wow What a crazy time we live in. Well, the multiverse of timelines that we live in haha. I will say that! I have a lot to talk about so Ill update this post later I promise.


The website about Clair-senses:



    Higher Consciousness    May 4th, 2023

Posted In: Music, Music Shows

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Higher Consciousness presents:


It has been a week of no Schumann Resonance and then sudden bursts of energy and solar flares from the sun. the Vibration and Frequency of the Earth are rising and we are existing at a higher frequency right now. Remember to keep your head up, and focus on your self-love, personal growth, and healing through these challenging times.

    Higher Consciousness    April 27th, 2023

Posted In: Music Shows

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Higher Consciousness presents:

It is a Full Pink Moon today! If you want to use this energy to your advantage, here’s what I’ll be doing.

  1. Write down your manifestations. When you write down the things and experiences you want in the future, write them down as if you already have them in the present tense. “I am grateful for all the repairs I was able to get done on my truck, It’s like It’s brand new again.”
  2.  Express Gratitude. Create a list of everything you must be grateful for and Include all the people who have helped you succeed. then take that list and read it out loud, to give it energy. Expressing your gratitude to the universe.
  3. Let go of negativity! you can say it aloud, “I let go of any negative thoughts or emotions that are causing me stress.” or ” I let go of any lower vibrational energy that is holding me back.” Anything about letting go or liberating yourself from Fear, doubt, and negativity. it is good for you.

It’s also our Spring Fund drive!!! We benefit from every dollar you donate to WRIR, and as an independent nonprofit radio station, every dollar counts to help us stay on the air. You can donate any amount you would like and just head to the wrir.org site to donate. Thank you so much for being you.

    Higher Consciousness    April 6th, 2023

Posted In: Local, Music, Music Shows

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Higher Consciousness presents:


Big energy this week y’all! Dream big and stay focused on what you want . It’s a time for transmutation and transformation. Become what you dream your best self would be and feel like.

    Higher Consciousness    March 23rd, 2023

Posted In: Music, Music Shows

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Higher Consciousness presents:

Do your Shadow work, because once you get through it you will be stronger than you ever were. Love yourself, love each other, and love life. Also don’t forget to be silly today if you get a moment.

    Higher Consciousness    January 19th, 2023

Posted In: Music, Music Shows

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Higher Consciousness presents:

We are Socks deep into 2023 and let’s try to keep the positivity flowing. We are all so lucky and everything always works out for us. So Let’s continue to love ourselves, let’s ignore the news for 2 hours of the day, and focus on healing and being ourselves. Love each other, love yourself, and love life.

    Higher Consciousness    January 12th, 2023

Posted In: Music, Music Shows, Volunteering

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Higher Consciousness presents:

Let’s try to focus on everything we can be thankful for. The world is a wild and crazy place. Let’s try to stay positive and manifest greatness into our lives and think of everything we are thankful for and how it will feel when we achieve it. As usual, there is a nice Tarot spread for you today and I hope I can give you some guidance during the holiday season.

    Higher Consciousness    December 1st, 2022

Posted In: Music Shows

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Higher Consciousness presents:

Every Day is a new Day! Welcome to the world of ADD when it comes to putting together a playlist for you all today. Love yourself and love life.

    Higher Consciousness    October 6th, 2022

Posted In: Music Shows

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Higher Consciousness presents:


From 3 to 5 on Thursdays, Alicia is dedicated to raising your vibration in this time of a mass spiritual awakening. The synchronicities and coincidences that call for attention are given space and joined with music that shares the peace of Gaia and points to the thresholds of our collective experience. A mixture of edgy music, candid interviews, and Alicia’s insights, this is Higher Consciousness. Today I encourage you to Reclaim your power and peace of mind.

    Higher Consciousness    September 15th, 2022

Posted In: Music Shows

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