Finding Sounds / Outer Focus presents:

This episode of FINDING SOUNDS is with collaborator and great friend of mine, FALSE PRPHT. We are both in a project called PRISON RELIGION, and have been friends for many years. They are a great musician/vocalist, specializing in collaborative modes of making, and also making visual and other types of work, to say the least. FALSE PRPHT mixed the first hour, with mostly Miami Bass/Club music, which has been of current interest to them, adorning the mix with self-recorded shout-outs from local Richmond angels (recorded at OSB). The second hour was a b2b between him and I, of mostly low-down club and ambient/experimental music. There are a few brand new tracks in there from artists all around the world. And of course there are some breaks thrown in there now and again.

Enjoy this slice of time, a moment of synaptic fusion, continuing his and I’s tradition of collaborative community node-building. Much love and thanks to FALSE PRPHT for guesting on this week’s episode of FINDING SOUNDS.

Thank you for listening<3


    Finding Sounds / Outer Focus    May 23rd, 2023

Posted In: Music Shows

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