Finding Sounds / Outer Focus presents:
This episode of FINDING SOUNDS is featuring guests gethen & h_pin! They are two Virginia heads deep in the etherea of electronic music, usually by way of minimal techno, techno, and crushed ambience. Both of them are founders of OSB, and built it’s sound system, which has been a great recent hub for underground music in the city. Individually, they make insane visual art work as well, which you can find on their links below.
For this episode, they each did ~1 hour mix each, highlighting some great techno music which may not be easily heard or found, mostly from the early 00’s. I was very lucky to have them on before they move to NYC. Mix is great for any time of day or night, giving a wide range of hypnotic and controlled, organic and machine-driven. Thank you sm to both of them for coming on the show. Safe journey to yall <3
Thank you for listening!
Portal Finding Sounds / Outer Focus June 6th, 2023
Posted In: Music Shows
Tags: experimental, finding, gethen, h pin, music, Richmond, sounds, techno
Cause and Effect presents:
In honor of pride month, DJ Miss Kitty is focusing on the fabulous queer/drag ballroom music scene of 1970s/80s/90s New York. We’re talking disco, house, vogue…WERKING IT!
“Ballroom, ball, or house culture has been a way for queer blacks and Latinos to respond to a society that devalued their lives and attempted to erase their presence. Through elaborate performances incorporating and commenting on race, class, and gender, the ball community has historically reflected the American Dream and one’s exclusion from it.” –BY LESTER FABIAN BRATHWAITE
Carrie Thornbrugh Cause and Effect June 3rd, 2023
Posted In: Music, Music Shows
Tags: #wrir #localmusic, Electronic, electronica, music, Music show, variety, weirdo, WRIR
Dog Germs / PND (punk’s not dead) presents:
guest: co-pig Pelican Johnny
Lots of cool punk
maybe some AI generated content
who could know?
DJ tablescraps Dog Germs / PND (punk’s not dead) May 23rd, 2023
Posted In: Music Shows
Tags: #wrir #localmusic, music, Music show, Punk, rva radio, weirdo, WRIR
Cause and Effect presents:
No, we’re not talking about the Pittsburgh pirates or the swashbuckling sort, today’s Cause & Effect episode takes a look at the Pirate Radio movement.
In 1964, there was nowhere easy for British youth to listen to rock ‘n’ rollers like The Beatles, The Who and The Rolling Stones. Commercial radio wasn’t yet an option, and the guardians of the publicly-owned British Broadcasting Corporation considered such music immoral, antisocial and unfit for public broadcast. Yet just three years later, on Sept. 30, 1967 — the BBC switched on the transmitters of Radio 1, the country’s first dedicated popular music station. What happened to change their minds? The answer to that question — and the story of how pop music came to the FM dial in the U.K. — involves illegal offshore broadcasters AKA PIRATE RADIO.
Drive around some parts of London today and you’re still liable to hear mainstream radio broadcasts drowned out by fleeting bursts of unfamiliar music. Pirate radio stations have been illegally hijacking the FM dial since the 1990s, but while the pirate scene is far smaller than it was in its heyday, the influence of pirate radio has endured and the movement is still thriving on a local scale, and a vibrant array of online-only stations are inspired by the energy and spirit of the pirates.
Carrie Thornbrugh Cause and Effect April 29th, 2023
Posted In: Fund Drive, Music, Music Shows
Tags: #wrir #localmusic, Electronic, music, Music show, obscure, variety, WRIR
Finding Sounds / Outer Focus presents:
L Salicis is a good friend of mine, hailing from Tidewater region of Virginia, we met via serendipitous email during COVID. They were reaching out to send music to my label formforum. Since then they have moved to Richmond and has become an integral part of the experimental/underground electronic music scene in the city. They book shows and are planning a full-length to coming out before summer’s end. Thank you so much to L Salicis <3
First hour is a mix from L Salicis, second hour is a mix from me, deskulling 🙂
Much love! Thank you for listening
Portal Finding Sounds / Outer Focus April 25th, 2023
Posted In: Music Shows
Tags: ambient, breaks, Electronic, experimental, music, Richmond, vibes, virginia
Dog Germs / PND (punk’s not dead) presents:
(see above)
DJ tablescraps Dog Germs / PND (punk’s not dead) April 11th, 2023
Posted In: Music Shows
Tags: #wrir #localmusic, music, Music show, obscure, Punk, rva radio, WRIR
Finding Sounds / Outer Focus presents:
Finding Sounds Ep6: with Scim
4/15 @ OSB w/
Scim, Mina Mills, I.D.E., SPRIAL INSTINCT, and deskulling
Scim is a sound designer, programmer, and musician in Philadelphia by way of Chicago. Their music oscillates between sound exploration and total form, using the vernacular of electronic music as a tool for newness. We have had many conversations about the state of the art and I am happy to call them a friend. They are playing in Richmond April 15, details listed above. For this episode, they made a 34-min mix of music mostly from friends and synaptically related material.
Also in this episode is a 30 minute track selection from myself, deskulling, which includes recently released tracks, and some new artists I like. After that hour, I re-aired a mix/sound collage I made for last week’s guest ARIGTO in Dec 2021 called “Struggling Mass, Sagittarian Jupiter”, for their show zerrüttet on HKCR (linked below).
Portal Finding Sounds / Outer Focus April 11th, 2023
Posted In: Music Shows
Tags: collage, Electronic, experimental, finding, music, scim, sounds
Finding Sounds / Outer Focus presents:
Finding Sounds Ep5: with ARIGTO
ARIGTO are a duo from Germany, carefully crafting the bleeding edges of soundscape and ambient sound design, typically with vernacular of (neo)classical instrumentation and experimental form. For the show, they made an hour mix, also while having COVID! Strength. Thanks for coming on, ARIGTO
Also in this episode is a 30 minute track selection from green boots. The set is as follows: first hour ARIGTO, second 30 min deskulling, last 30 min green boots.
(Forgot to include this track in the playlist, “nic, tgwog, iji – elegy” which plays after “Bride – Break It Apart” 🙂
Portal Finding Sounds / Outer Focus March 28th, 2023
Posted In: Music Shows
Tags: experimental, formforum, fun, music
Finding Sounds / Outer Focus presents:
Finding Sounds Ep4: with I.D.E.
I.D.E. is a musician and DJ from Richmond. We go waaay back. Was a pleasure to have him on the show! Thanks I.D.E. Check out their links below 🙂
Portal Finding Sounds / Outer Focus March 14th, 2023
Posted In: Music Shows
Tags: experimental, fun, Jungle, music, techno
Dog Germs / PND (punk’s not dead) presents:
Lets forget about the sweeping systemic failures of our country’s social welfare systems and enjoy some punk
DJ tablescraps Dog Germs / PND (punk’s not dead) February 28th, 2023
Posted In: Music Shows
Tags: music, Music show, obscure, Punk, rva radio, weirdo, WRIR