Quantum Live Radio / Whatever I Want presents:
The Right Honorable Gentleman, MP and Lord of North Funkshire Chuck Stylz and Back Bencher, The Astute Substitute, The Bougie Goose Present The House of Chords.
Today for your entertainment we present what we consider some of the most influential and soulful British Synthesizer backed track from the 80’s.
While we know that statements such as “most” and “influential” are subjective and some what argumentative.
We are 120% sure you will agree with our selections. This means we could back off 20% and still be 100% correct!
So site back and take a trip back in time with us and enjoy, The House Of Chords, British Synth & Soul.
Chris Bonner Quantum Live Radio / Whatever I Want December 19th, 2024
Posted In: Music Shows
Tags: #QuantumLiveRadio, Chuck Stylez, QLR, Synth-pop, The Bougie Goose
Cause and Effect presents:
Greeting Skippers and Welcome to Cause and Effect. Today we will take a Deep Dive into the smooth melodic sound waves of Yacht Rock.
Your Presenters on the voyage are, The Funk Doctor and Master of the Boat, Captain Chuck Styles. Alongside him, Working the jib and tightening the Sheets. The Astute Substitute, The Bougie Goose.
So come onboard, Sit Back, relax and Enjoy this addition of… Cause and Effect, Yacht Rock; Setting the Chorus.
Chris Bonner Cause and Effect November 16th, 2024
Posted In: Music Shows
Tags: #QuantumLiveRadio, cause and effect, Chuck Stylez, QLR, The Astute Substitute, The Bougie Goose, Yacht Rock, yachts