Finding Sounds / Outer Focus presents:
Here we are with episode 29. The first hour of this show features Boëthius, an Ankara-based musician/composer. We go way back first making contact on the internet exchanging tunes and talking shop. I have always thoroughly enjoyed their music and energy. In his hour, he plays a selection of songs while over it he discusses music and it’s connectivity, sitting down versus standing up, and how crazy this all is.
The second hour features my label, formforum, and a mix I made only from tracks out on the platform. formforum is an open platform label, built off of the user-submissions and small networks of musicians internationally. There are many release on the label which you can find on bandcamp and soundcloud (and below). We have two compilation, ‘Deaccession Forms’ and an all snare sample compilation, ‘Snares’. formforum is nothing without its contributors and for that I am forever grateful for how this all worked out, and for the depth of people’s love for the music. Boëthius also just released an album via formforum called ‘Echoes’.
Enjoy the music, and thank you for listening
Portal Finding Sounds / Outer Focus April 16th, 2024
Posted In: Music, Music Shows
Tags: ambient, boethius, deskulling, Electronic, experimental, Finding Sounds, formforum, music, sounds of