Higher Consciousness presents:

From 3 to 5 on Thursdays, Alicia is dedicated to raising your vibration during a mass spiritual awakening. The synchronicities and coincidences that call for attention are given space and joined with music that shares the peace of Gaia and points to the thresholds of our collective experience. A mixture of edgy music, candid interviews, and Alicia’s insights, this is Higher Consciousness.


(Playlist 91)


    Higher Consciousness    April 25th, 2024

Posted In: Local, Music, Music Shows

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Higher Consciousness presents:

Happy February! Why do we spell it that way? let’s shine like glitter this week Yalls!

    Higher Consciousness    February 2nd, 2023

Posted In: Music Shows

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Higher Consciousness presents:


We all have tough days and today seems to be that one for me. Less talk more music. I hope yall are doing okay out there.

Tarot cards for today:

  1. Five of Rods/wands- Reverse
  2. Three of Rods/Wands- upright
  3. Eight of Swords- upright

I like to look them up in Biddy Tarot online if you want to know what it says. Today I don’t have the energy to do all that, but I still pulled these for the collective and you should know. Hang in their fam.

    Higher Consciousness    November 3rd, 2022

Posted In: Music Shows

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Higher Consciousness presents:

Every Day is a new Day! Welcome to the world of ADD when it comes to putting together a playlist for you all today. Love yourself and love life.

    Higher Consciousness    October 6th, 2022

Posted In: Music Shows

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