Higher Consciousness presents:


From 3 to 5 on Thursdays, Alicia is dedicated to raising your vibration in this time of a mass spiritual awakening. The synchronicities and coincidences that call for attention are given space and joined with music that shares the peace of Gaia and points to the thresholds of our collective experience. A mixture of edgy music, candid interviews, and Alicia’s insights, this is Higher Consciousness.


(Playlist 89)

    Higher Consciousness    April 11th, 2024

Posted In: Local, Music, Music Shows

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Higher Consciousness presents:



Higher Consciousness is a show where we dedicate some time to doing better together, in the world. Welcome back to your Ascension. It doesn’t matter where you are along your path and journey, know that you’re doing great. The journey is about healing yourself and loving yourself so you can be the light and bring love into the world. You got this!  Today we will start a series called “The Universal Laws.” I’m going to read some of the Universal laws you have heard before in mainstream spiritual talk and hopefully, some that you haven’t heard yet. Let us learn and grow together and find our soul’s tribe.

    Higher Consciousness    October 5th, 2023

Posted In: Music Shows

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Higher Consciousness presents:


Okay, we have Full and New moons coming and going, Retrograde in Gatorade with north node conjunctions of planet blah blah blah hitting us from every angle. Stay focused, keep your vibrations high, trust your gut and intuition, watch for signs and synchronicities, and surrender to the process. If you know you know.

The universe is on your side and you are loved by Source, your spirit support team, and the universe. The universe is always listening; all you have to do is ask and be grateful for what you are about to receive and or already receive.

    Higher Consciousness    September 28th, 2023

Posted In: Local, Music, Music Shows

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Higher Consciousness presents:


djs in the studio


I’m Back baby!!! Woo wee, it feels like we are shifting into two separate versions of Earth right now (both are really hot). We all seem to be both, suffering and clearing all the lower energy (vibrations) that no longer serves us. I think I’m starting to see what they mean by Retrograde. With all the new Mandala effects that are popping up, I find myself asking “Which timeline am I even in? Am I still from the first one that split?” If you know, you know. You guys are doing great by choosing to be the light, to be the positivity in the world, hang in there. Surrender to the process and let the universe show you what it has planned for you, unconditional love. Love life, and love each other It’s going to work out eventually. Easier said than done, I know.

    Higher Consciousness    September 7th, 2023

Posted In: Music Shows

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Higher Consciousness presents:

Happy Anniversary to Us! Exactly 1 year ago On Thursday, June 9th, 2022, I did my first Episode of Higher Consciousness. Thank you all for tuning in and for sticking with the flow of the show. It has gone from spirit talk and twerk music to spiritual Work and Twerk. I am so proud of you soul friends and family, for all the wonderful shadow work and growth you have done. Keep it up, you guys are doing great. The Tarot cards I pulled for the collective when I first started told a story of Change that needed to happen for all of us, Now Im pulling cards about new Love, happiness, strength, understanding and so much more. I am so happy to be a part of this soul family and I’ll be here for as long as the universe allows me to be. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!


Today I have a special Guest/Friend named Rebekah popping up to pull a tarot with me, and talk about the spiritual journey and being a Jacklyn of all trades. I’ll elaborate more as things developed.

    Higher Consciousness    June 8th, 2023

Posted In: Music, Music Shows

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Higher Consciousness presents:


We’re back to a little bit of fun dance music mixed in with some healing affirmation songs. I’m ready to get back to some dance therapy.

    Higher Consciousness    February 9th, 2023

Posted In: Music Shows

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