The Rainbow MinuteThe Rainbow Minute
Thursday, January 19, 2012
“Who Said That?” on this episode of “The Rainbow Minute.”
(Read by Dustin Richardson)
These days, more and more Americans are going vegetarian.
Besides the fact that meat production is a huge drain on natural resources, many are disturbed by the extreme animal suffering inflicted by factory farming.
On an even more basic level, many just see it wrong for animals to be killed for human consumption.
In centuries past, this sensibility was rare.
But a prominent figure from the 15th century said, “I have from an early age abjured the use of meat, and the time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of animals as they now look upon the murder of men.”
Who said that?
It was the celebrated artist Leonardo da Vinci, whose works reveal a fascination with the male form.