Mother’s Milk Does A Best-Of Show! presents:

Mother’s Milk Does A Best-Of Show!

Ain't this the life?

It's Mother's Milk's first-ever best-of show! We're playing the best of the stuff that came out in 2011 that we, err, played in 2011. It's gonna be fun… crack open a bottle, let's rock it.

UPDATE: That was fun. Like 2011 in general, tended more towards the country-fied than I would necessarily prefer, but everything was good, so it is what it is. See what it was if you missed it by clicking here to download it from Radio4All. As always, I would really love it if you would become a fan of Mother's Milk on Facebook. Or at least look at it. You can look at it, right? Sure you can. Just click here

Song Artist Album Label Year
Josh Sturgill


Playlist temporarily unavailable.

    January 23rd, 2012

Posted In: Music Shows