The Rainbow MinuteThe Rainbow Minute
Today on The Rainbow Minute, Josh Sturgill reads "The Campy and Kitschy Films of John Waters"
It was the 1972 film, “Pink Flamingos” that put director John Waters on the map. A camp classic, it centers on a family of rednecks and a pair of swingers who vie for the title of “The Filthiest People Alive,” with drag queen Divine winning hands-down.
Waters continued making low-budget films set in Baltimore with the same off-beat cast of Dreamlanders, many with campy names like Dawn Davenport, Penny Pingleton and Francine Fishpaw.
In 1981 came the much tamer film, “Polyester,” followed by “Hairspray” in 1988. When “Hairspray” was staged on Broadway, it was a smash hit.
When commenting on his own films, Waters says, “I pride myself on the fact that my work has no socially redeeming value.”
More about Waters in the next episode…