The Thomas Jefferson Hour presents:

The Thomas Jefferson HourThe Thomas Jefferson Hour

Clay Jenkinson | Tuesday 10 – 11 am


The Thomas Jefferson Hour® is a weekly radio program dedicated to the search for truth in the tradition of Thomas Jefferson. Our third president, Thomas Jefferson, was a man of the Enlightenment, a student of human nature and gentlemanly behavior, and he applied this to his personal life as well as to both the national and world wide challenges he faced during the forming of our nation. Nationally acclaimed humanities scholar and award winning first person interpreter of Thomas Jefferson, Clay Jenkinson, portrays Jefferson on the program, and he answers listener questions while in the persona of Jefferson – his answers are grounded in the writings and actions of the great man.

The show’s mission is to generate one-on-one discourse between friends and family members, then to help broaden it to national discourse (replace the 30-second, two position only sound bites) about important, and many times sensitive, topics to our country and to our citizens. This is done in a unique and entertaining way – through the voice of our third president Thomas Jefferson.

Dan S


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    February 7th, 2012

Posted In: Music Shows