The Rainbow MinuteThe Rainbow Minute
Friday February !0, 2012 Dr. Dorothy Height, Equal Rights Hero" – Virginia State Senator, Donald McEachin
Civil Rights activist Dr. Dorothy Height was a prominent African American and a champion to the LGBT community.
Born in Richmond, Virginia in 1912 and growing up near Pittsburgh, Height won a scholarship to Barnard College but was denied admission because the quota of only two black students was already reached.
As matriarch of the American Civil Rights Movement, Height worked for racial justice and gender equality and was the only woman on the platform when Dr. Martin Luther King gave his “I Have a Dream” speech. Height and Coretta Scott King were among those LGBT allies who, in 1996, lobbied for justice in Congress when the Employment Non-Discrimination Act faced its first vote in the Senate.
Sadly, Dorothy Height died on April 20, 2010, but her legacy of demanding equal justice continues.