Ambiance Congo: November 16, 2014 3:00-5:00 PM presents:

Ambiance CongoAmbiance Congo: November 16, 2014 3:00-5:00 PM

Welcome to Ambiance Congo.

Today we start and end with Pepe Kalle. He passed away November 28, 1998. Lets' begin with a song from one of my favorite Empire Bakuba albums, the great self titled LP on the Sacodis label.

 Thanks to Moos for this image!

Yeah, I played IVE DIKONDO some 5 or 6 years ago, but today you get to hear it again! We'll end with Biya Chante's HOMMAGE A PEPE KALLE. In between we'll hear Tshala Muana, Guy Guy Fall, Koffi Olomide and a whole lot more.

Requests and comments always welcome!

Thanks for listening.

Song Artist Album Label Year
David Noyes


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    November 16th, 2014

Posted In: Music Shows