Open Source RVA presents:
YOUR INDIGENOUS FOLK SOURCE!!! On Friday’s festive edition of Open Source RVA, heard at noon on WRIR 97.3 FM, it’s all about the return of the Richmond Folk Festival, which starts on Friday evening and runs through Sunday along the downtown waterfront. We get the lowdown on what’s different this year, and what you shouldn’t miss, from programmer Blaine Waide, associate director of the National Council for the Traditional Arts (NCTA). AND THEN two of host Don Harrison’s fellow FOLKTASTIC Folk Festival programming committee members — Todd Ranson and Charles Graybeard Williams — join him to discuss which acts, in genres ranging from zydeco to sacred steel to bomba, they are most excited to catch this weekend. It’s Open Source RVA’s annual Richmond Folk Festival preview, and it’s designed to FOLK you up. Get tuned in at noon on WRIR 97.3 FM and
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Krysti Albus Open Source RVA October 7th, 2022
Posted In: Music Shows